November 12, 2014

Ilhan Kyuchyk about the total ban for use of mother tongues in election campaigns in Bulgaria

Mr. Chairman, Colleagues, My native country Republic of Bulgaria was until recently considered as a country, an example of balanced ethno-religious relations, which due to the […]
November 10, 2014

Ilhan Kyuchyuk was elected for member of the Human rights committee of the Liberal international

On November 8 in Hong Kong was held the 193 Executive Committee of the Liberal international. There Ilhan Kyuchyuk was elected as member of the Human rights committee. The committee constitutes of 13 members from different states, Ilhan Kyuchyuk is the youngest Bulgarian representative there.
November 7, 2014

Statement of ALDE party president Sir Graham Watson

Following the parliamentary elections on 5 October, the Bulgarian Parliament will today vote on the formulation of the new EPP-led minority coalition government, featuring GERB, Reformist Bloc and the Alternative for Bulgarian Revival. ALDE Party member party in Bulgaria, which won 38 seats at the election, the Movement for Rights and Freedom (MRF) will vote against and will sit in opposition.
September 18, 2014

Joint motion for a resolution on the persecution of human rights defenders in Azerbaijan

JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION pursuant to Rules 135(5) and 123(4), of the Rules of Procedure replacing the motions by the following groups: ECR (B8‑0090/2014) ALDE […]