Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE )
Madam President, I would like to congratulate the rapporteur and all the shadow rapporteurs for their contribution to this report. Europe’s cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is rooted in the history of our continent, and it is significantly increasing in a transformative way. Today, according to statistical data provided by Eurostat, around 7% of the European Union’s population was born outside the EU. This cultural diversity is the core of the European project and ‘unity in diversity’ is the motto of our Union. Lately we have witnessed intolerance, racism and discrimination threatening Europe’s stability and development. This requires urgent action and there is no doubt that the most effective tool for tackling intolerance, racism and discrimination is education.
Actions to promote an intercultural approach in education are highly needed in order to support multiculturalism, integration, social inclusion and cohesion.
Тази публикация е достъпна и на следните езици: Bulgarian