Мобилизиране на средства от Европейския фонд за приспособяване към глобализацията: заявление EGF/2015/009 SE/Volvo Trucks (A8-0077/2016 – Victor Negrescu)
април 13, 2016
Постигане на целта за борба с бедността в контекста на увеличаването на разходите на домакинствата (A8-0040/2016 – Tamás Meszerics)
април 14, 2016

Частният сектор и развитието (A8-0043/2016 – Nirj Deva)

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (ALDE ), in writing

I voted for the resolution because it clearly recognises the importance of the private sector in development and the primary objective of EU development cooperation in reducing poverty. The private sector has the potential to contribute to a sustainable, efficient and long—term development, because economic development is a key to eradicating poverty. Of course, this aim could be completed only by promoting human rights and by strengthening democracy, good governance and the rule of law. The European Union should strengthen corporate social responsibility, and the public-private partnerships within the post-2015 development agenda should have a strong focus on poverty reduction.

Тази публикация е достъпна и на следните езици: Английски